Welcome to Your Well-being

Catherine Foley invites you to discover her holistic and integrative approach to wellness—Catherine believes we are healed by both the mysterious and the pragmatic, and that our personal journey to well-being is always unique, and wholly sacred. In all that she offers, Catherine welcomes you on the path of remembering—of awakening to the power of your vitality and the wisdom of your heart, which is your birthright. Let Catherine be your guide.

Helping you—Help Your Self.

Make a commitment to yourself

A calendar of opportunities to connect & expand

Discover botanical self care


Deepen your practice


Bring your project to life

Find Your Healing Quest

As Catherine’s healing art has evolved, she has found that the universe is generally aligning her with three types of healing quests—the journey of womb healing, conception, pregnancy and postpartum; the journey of the artist, sensitive and creative professional; and the journey of the warrior healing from illness, trauma and abuse. Catherine has curated her offerings that best support these paths for holistic, grounded and complete care as you beautifully transform, unfold and transcend on your sacred path.

The journey of birth

The journey of creativity

The journey of empowerment

Why Work With Catherine?

I am someone who has walked the warrior path in this life, and thankfully, am now in a place to feel really empowered by that.

Some of my earliest memories on this mythic planet are: being held in my Mom’s arms in the middle of the night and watching the moon through the trees; crawling in the grass, smelling the sweet, dank soil, the soft, green blades caressing my face; climbing around on a gnarled, tree stump in the bright sun, its rough skin pressing into my palms; riding my tricycle down a hill after my parents let go, the wind flowing through my hair; seeing rainbow angels check on me as I fell asleep every night.

What has been the most enduring and true in my life are moments of poignancy and connection with the elemental power of nature, and the mysteries of existence. Being in relationship with the land—and all that is subtle and unseen—and exploring landscapes within and without, is where I recognize myself the most.

I know with absolute certainty that we each are so mythical and so vast beyond our wildest imagination. I know that we each carry a galaxy of profound and unique wisdom in our bones, our blood, our cells. I know that our hearts and our eyes hold eternal truths, and eternal love.

I am here to hold space for your truth. To recognize you. To reflect your beauty and your power. To be a rock, a breeze, a light amidst the currents and the turns of life.



Follow along @helpyourselfbk


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